Thursday, May 19, 2011

{gRadUaTioN dAy}

I'm officially a Southern Utah University Graduate! It was really weird to because I didn't really know what was going on because I had been gone and working for a year! But it was really good and a huge accomplishment! My most favorite part was seeing all my friends that I miss so much! We had such good times together and practically were unseperable for months during the blog! Another highlight was my good friend Elyse flew in from California and I have missed her sooo much!! All of our friends got together and went to dinner and caught up. I loved it, we always laugh a lot and have a great time!

All of us at PF! And Dani was able to come! YAY! And we all got to see her cute baby :)
Commencement Day

Block Buddies

Walking through the bell tower.. Yahoo!

Kacie, Breeann, Me, Elyse

Graduation Day #2 with our seperate colleges:

Nick, Me, Mom, Granny

Jessica, Me, Elyse on the front row!

Lacee, Elyse, Niki, Ashley, Jessica, Me

All of us!

Thanks to my family for the support! Love you all!

1 comment:

elysebeard said...

Ok, first of all, your house is freaking adorable!!!!! I LOVE IT. my favorite part is the wallpaper and the rhino head in the bathroom. Second, I miss you already! It was so good to see you :(. Good luck with the last couple weeks of school! Update your blog more too. That can be your summer goal. Ha ha how else am I supposed to stalk you?