Sunday, June 14, 2009

suNdaY's rOck!

Today we laid out at the pool today and then Tyler went golfing with his buddies! I could lay out everyday if I could, I love it!!! We have done it the past couple Sunday's because we don't feel like doing anything but relaxing!

Me and Tyler at the pool

This is just a random picture of the girls at Olive Garden having lunch one day

1 comment:

The Pearson's said...

I love to lay out too! my favorite thing ever! At a lake, at the pool, at a waterpark...haha! Living in Provo we have seen nothing but rain rain rain...seriously the whole month of June we've had maybe 5 days of sucks! So i cant wait for two yrs of constant warm weather of hawaii...Im not sure if thats a good thing...I cant love layin out TOO much!

Cute photos!! Looks like you guys had fun! Chan would have loved to have gone to the us open... that was right in his mission!! Good for Tyler I bet he had fun!!