I went to Indy on Friday and suprised Tyler! It was soooo good to see him, I have missed him a lot. He worked most of the time but we hung out with friends and stuff when he got off. On Sunday we slept in, then got ready to go to the Indians basebally game. They are a minor league team of the Pirates. We went with Allie and Justin. It was deathly hot, thank heavens our seats were in the shade!! After the game we went to the mall then to dinner. I was sad to leave but I will be going back soon!
Waiting for Justin and Allie

They were giving free shirts as we walked in, Tyler was pretty excited about it

The field

Justin, Allie, Me, Tyler

A little off the subject... but I have been at my sister's for about 3 weeks. I took a picture of Bladen each week with the activity/crafts we have done. Each week I do a different theme.
Week 1: Animals

Week 2: Nature/Earth

I love this little guy! Even though he can sure be a handful sometimes!! :)